Welcome to Little Bird!
At Little Bird Studio, my mission is not only to teach you how to sew, but to have fun doing it and open up a whole new world of craftsmanship and appreciation for all the work that goes into clothing. Even just learning a little bit opens up possibilities for mending and altering things you already have so that you can keep it longer, feel great in something that actually fits you, and sew on that darn button that keeps falling off! I believe that anyone can create. I want to be the best teacher I can and share my skills and experiences so that we can grow together!
Sew much to learn!
From beginner to advanced, there’s always something new to learn and practice!
*Sewing and pattern basics and beyond
*Alterations and fit
*Sewing machine how-to
*Pattern drafting and manipulation
*Technology and clothing
*Specialty sewing
*Fabric modification
*And sew much more!
Join one of our classes today!
Let’s Make Some Stuff!

The Studio
Little Bird Sewing Studio is located at 28 Day Lane, Suite 10 in Williston, VT. With two large cutting tables, six modern sewing machines, 2 vintage, one industrial sewing machine, two overlock machines, one industrial iron, one domestic iron, two ironing boards, and all of the tools you need to do your work, Little Bird is ready and waiting for you and your projects! Parking is free and available in the back parking lot, as well as on the street (on the opposite side to the studio building). Sophie is happy to do what she can to make things as accessible as possible, so please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have!
Studio hours vary from day to day based one when classes are offered and when private lessons are happening. If Sophie is at the studio, feel free to knock on the door and she’ll be happy to let you in so that you can take a look. Otherwise please email her to make an appointment or check when she’ll be there to give you a tour! :)
Covid-19 Update: Little Bird Studio is open for in-person classes. Virtual lessons are also still available! Please email Sophie@littlebirdsewing.com for more information! ***Masks are optional - PLEASE DON’T COME IF YOU FEEL SICK OR THINK YOU MAY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO COVID (or the flu, or RSV, etc.) - we will work to reschedule you - Thanks! ***
Little Bird Sewing Studio is located at
28 Day Lane, Suite 10, in Williston VT.
ready for some craft action?
Let’s Sew Together!