Don’t Get Mad, Craft!
Crafting for good!
Things are scary…let’s create a craft community to do good!
We hurt, crafting helps. If you are struggling like we are, if you think community will help, we invite you to join us monthly for a crafting hangout. Stash and Little Bird Sewing Studio will host crafting afternoons and evenings - bring your craft of choice, or just come to hang out with a supporting community. You don’t need to sign up in advance - just come if you can! :D
*First Craftivism session was 11/9/24 - we raised $590 for the ACLU!
*Second Craftism session was on 12/14 - we raised $300 for Planned Parenthood of Norther New England!
Upcoming session: 01/29/25 - 6pm - 8pm - @ Little Bird Sewing Studio - bring a craft, or just come hang out. Hot Cocoa, tea, and biscuits provided. Proceeds from this session will go to Everytown for Gun Safety.