Feb. Break Mini Camp: Lil' Cat Stuffie! Feb. 27th, 9am - 12 noon

Feb. Break Mini Camp: Lil' Cat Stuffie! Feb. 27th, 9am - 12 noon
Let’s make a fun little cat stuffed animal! Learn the basics of making a stuffed animal and have fun making it your own!
Intro to Sewing or equivalent experience required (If you’re unsure, please email sophie@littlebirdsewing.com to inquire).
All materials will be provided and are included in the class fee.
This class is for 9yrs - 8th grade, with some exceptions with teacher permission.
Class is on Feb. 27th from 9am - 12noon. This course is a 3 hour session, so please make sure that your child is able to focus for a longer stretch of time - we will take a snack break halfway through, so please make sure to also bring a snack and drink (allergy friendly please and no gum!) - Thanks! :D
Things happen and sometimes a cancellation is unavoidable. Please contact Sophie as soon as you know you need to cancel so that plans can be made to reschedule. For pre-paid workshops, cancellations are only accepted up to a week before the scheduled workshop and you will be refunded in full. Any later than that and only 50% will be refunded with the remainder going towards class costs (time and supplies), unless we are able to fill your spot with someone else. Please don’t come to class sick - we will work with you to reschedule! Thanks so much!